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Unlock Ancient Japanese Wisdom for a Fulfilled Life

Japan's vast cultural teachings span far beyond Ikigai and Wabi Sabi. Learn 31 timeless and practical lessons through real-life stories.

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Kokoro — The Book

A philosophy for every part of your life

Each chapter will introduce you to a new concept, like Takumi or Bushido, brought to life through relatable personal experiences.

None of those self-help book fluff. With every chapter, you'll learn something new that'll help you manage stress and deal with uncertainties and difficulties to live a calm and intentional life.

Kokoro Chapter Preview
Chapter Takeaways

Connect the dots with takeaways

At the end of each chapter, actionable takeaways will help you start applying and benefiting from the new concept right away.

Takumi Flashcard Mottainai Flashcard Yutori Flashcard

Reinforce what you learned

Printable flashcards for each chapter highlight the core message every day, helping you engrave new lessons into your life.

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